For any yoga newbies or those curious cats a typical class is comprised of the following:
Asana – Asanas are yoga postures which are practiced with care and attention on the posture and breath. They develop steadiness, strength and vitality as well as fluidity, ease and release. As a result, we feel more at home in our bodies.
Pranayama or Breathing Exercises - We are always breathing. Paying attention to our breathing is the easiest way to connect to ourselves because the breath is the invisible bridge between the body and the mind. Yoga teaches practical, accessible techniques for finding, observing, and balancing the breath. Consciously tuning in this way gives us a tool to calm the mind. In this way, a sense of balance is available in every breath.
Mindfulness Meditation Techniques - Our thoughts are like clouds being blown across the sky, or boats bobbing on the moving tide. Even when the weather or the changes the sky and sea are always there. Learning to observe our thoughts in meditation is a way of getting to know our true selves. Our awareness increases which naturally leads to healthier, happier choices in diet, exercise, life-style and relationships.
Guided relaxation - Truly, deeply relaxing is an art in itself. Guided relaxation is a simple way to access that state of letting go. We tune into our deepest intentions, needs and desires and the body has more energy to heal and re-generate.
All classes are relaxed and personable with careful attention to anatomy, alignment, safety, and the student’s personal needs.