Pregnancy yoga classes are conducted in a calm and peaceful yoga room, and the yoga taught is gentle and safe, ensuring a positive and comfortable experience for the mother-to-be.
Yoga is highly recommended by health professionals as an ideal form of exercise during pregnancy. Suitable for women who are over 12 weeks pregnant, unless they have an established yoga practice pre-pregnancy.
Aoife has been teaching pre-natal Yoga since 2006 and has developed many sequences and techniques to assist pregnant women during pregnancy and in preparation for birth. She has found Yoga hugely beneficial during her own pregnancies. Aoife has three children and has practiced and taught yoga during her pregnancies deepening and developing her practice and teaching. Aoife trains teachers in pregnancy yoga for the Irish Yoga Association as part of the teacher training course.
Yoga during pregnancy can:
Improve muscle strength and tone
Promote a healthy pregnancy
Enhance mood and wellbeing
Improve posture
Supportive atmosphere
Focus the mind
Help with an easier labour
Teach you to learn to relax